The liver is a very important human organ that supports nearly every organ in the body with vital functions like filtering toxins from our body and detoxifying our blood of harmful substances. The maintenance of a healthy liver is therefore vital to overall health and well being.
Diseases of affluence are more prevalent in developing and developed countries due to wealth and lifestyle changes, like accessibility to processed food (fast food), higher consumption of high sugar high fat diet & alcohol and less physical activity which often leads to obesity. Processed foods contain a lot of preservatives and toxins. Eating too much processed junk food will cause our liver to become ineffective at breaking down fats. A liver clogged with fat causes liver cells to become less capable at performing their necessary task and will become sluggish and diseased. Sometimes we have no choice but to drink alcohol due to work entertainment needs or our busy lifestyle only allows us access to fast and processed food so one way to protect your liver is to include a liver cleansing supplement to assist your body in clearing out toxins and liver fats and to optimise your liver functions.
Happy Liver+:Â Start cleansing your liver for a healthy & happy life!
According to traditional Chinese medicine, excess liver fat and high blood lipid is usually caused by traumatic damage to the spleen due to a high-fat; high-calorie diet and excessive alcohol consumption. When the spleen is damaged, the normal function of liver will be affected, leading to disorders in lipid metabolism which can result in abnormal blood lipid levels.
All Link Happy Liver+Â is an all-natural liver protecting supplement consisting of a special blend of liver cleansing TCM herbs as well as Soy Lecithin and GAG & Collagen II to enhance the support of healthy liver functions. Soy Lecithin is rich in Choline, which maintains proper liver activity and functions in the transport of fats out of the liver. GAG & Collagen II helps to maintain healthy lipid levels. The special blend of liver cleansing TCM herbs protect the liver by regulating lipid metabolism in the liver, strengthening the spleen; working together to prevent accumulation of excess fat in liver cells.
All Link Happy Liver+Â provides a total protection for your liver and optimises liver health and functions. Regular consumption will help lower blood lipid levels, eliminate accumulation of liver fats and maintain a healthy liver. It is especially suitable for individuals who are obese, who drinks alcohol excessively or consumes a high-fat, high-calorie diet.